David’s Special Projects

Discover Our Projects

Transformative ideas and practices that position communities for success

Bickham MetaFutures, LLC, has a vast array of projects and initiatives ranging from youth development to comprehensive organizational change management through the integration of Prophetic Innovation to Quatum Leaping, which addresses the impact and future of rapid technological change through Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Quantum Mechanics and other dimensions.  Particularly innovative is that all of these projects and initiatives focus on the impact on and inclusion of the most vulnerable populations, which MetaFutures, LLC calls Aspirational Communities and Opportunity Youth.

The Young Futurists Project

The Young Futurist project is a youth-driven, innovation hub impacting the culture of health through technology, social solutions, and creativity. Using the S.T.E.A.M. approach, YFP seeks to provide training to students in workforce development as well as foundational and personal skills. YFP primarily serves youth ages 13-18 in-person and ages 8-18 virtually and supports youth technologists, creative innovators, and advocates with skills to address current and future emerging issues. The program was launched in January 2020 at the Jackson Medical Mall.

Prophetic Innovation

Prophetic Innovation (PI) combines religious and non-religious practices for social justice and amplifying marginalized voices. It involves culturally rooted traditions, while innovation in PI focuses on breakthrough ideas and community creativity, impacting society collectively.


Imagine22 is the office of innovation and futuristic strategy, including a major capital campaign for current and new projects and strategic foresight direction in health equity and the social and structural determinants of health such as community, economic, and human development. David is the founder of this initiative and the inaugural Chief Innovation Officer and Senior Strategist who will develop the Futurist-in-Residence program to sustain and expand Imagine22.